Let's Connect!


Let's Connect! 〰️

Do you know of someone who might be a good fit to connect with Good & Glory? Let us know! Here are some types of connections we are looking to make (but of course always open to any and all!):

  • Pediatric hospitals - sharing our resource with hospitals allows social workers to immediately share with families upon diagnosis how we can help

  • Businesses/groups/people interested in charitable giving - we love the opportunity to share the mission of Good & Glory and invite others to step in and partner with us. We are happy to come speak at meetings or hold small gathering informative sessions to share our heart and mission to more people who want to get involved!

  • Non-profit organizations with similar goals - linking arms with other organizations who are also working in the space of pediatric illnesses allows us to reach more people and help more families.

Please feel out the form below so we can connect! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at hello@goodandglory.co.

Grief & Joy.

At Good & Glory, we believe these opposite sentiments can coexist. We walk with families as they navigate living in this tension.

A Helping Hand.

Good & Glory gives a tangible way for loved ones & strangers alike to support families dealing with the unthinkable. One shirt at a time!


We each have a unique story to share - each one being fitted together to create something much bigger than ourselves.