Do your clothes speak?

We specialize in purposeful clothing that breaks the ice for you.

Hi, we’re the O’Quinns.

Our world flipped upside down on October 14th, 2021. Our daughter was diagnosed with pediatric cancer and an extremely rare neurological autoimmune disease. From that moment on we knew we were called to share our story.

Every person has a story and every story is unique. We believe each story is meant to be shared. As we share, our individual stories are woven into a tapestry so much bigger than ourselves. At Good & Glory, we create apparel that sparks conversation. Use your clothing as a way to engage with friends, family, or strangers and share your own story!

My Story Shirts

As much as we wish our story was unique and that no other family would ever hear words that would absolutely rock their world, we know that unfortunately, we are not alone.

Every day families are receiving news they never expected or wanted to hear about their child. Whether it be a cancer diagnosis, like ours, a mental health diagnosis or a myriad of other things, pediatric diagnoses are difficult and straining on a family. Good & Glory was birthed out of a passion to see children thrive. We are partnering with families who are walking through the unthinkable.

Participating families will have a My Story shirt designed in honor of their unique story. Proceeds from the sale of their unique My Story shirt will go straight back to the family. Our hope is that these shirts will help alleviate some of the financial burden the family may be facing as well as serve as a reminder to them that they do not walk alone. Together, we can make a difference, one shirt at a time!

Grief & Joy.

At Good & Glory, we believe these opposite sentiments can coexist. We walk with families as they navigate living in this tension.

A Helping Hand.

Good & Glory gives a tangible way for loved ones & strangers alike to support families dealing with the unthinkable. One shirt at a time!


We each have a unique story to share - each one being fitted together to create something much bigger than ourselves.