We hate that you’re here, but we want to walk alongside you.

We know firsthand the financial burden of walking through a life-changing diagnosis with a child. When we walked through a cancer diagnosis with our 13 month old daughter, we were incredibly blessed by people who were extremely generous to us with their finances. We want to walk hand in hand with other families in the same position. No one should ever have to hear those life-changing words, “Your child has ___”, but unfortunately many will. We want you to know that you don’t have to walk alone.

If you are a family of a child who has received a life-altering diagnosis or if you know a family in this position and would like to submit on their behalf, we’d love for you to fill out this form so that we can walk alongside you. Upon submitting this form, you will receive detailed information about the process and next steps (you’ll get to be as involved or uninvolved as you want to be!). Proceeds from the shirt we design for your family will be sent straight to you, no strings attached.

We believe that everyone has a story to share. For those whose story involves a pediatric diagnosis, it’s often not a story you’d choose, but it’s a powerful one. The mission behind our shirts is to not only walk with families financially but to empower them and those who love them to share their story. To bring awareness, to impact others’ lives and to watch as our stories are woven together into a tapestry so much bigger than ourselves.

If you have questions about our process or how to request a My Story shirt, please feel free to reach out at: hello@goodandglory.co.