We specialize in purposeful clothing that breaks the ice for you.

Our Story

In October 2021, our world flipped upside down when our 13 month old daughter was diagnosed with cancer and an extremely rare neurological autoimmune disease. What started as a barely noticeable flicker in her eye a few days prior, landed us in the hospital running test after test, ultimately ending in a cancer diagnosis. Our world was completely rocked. We quickly became submerged in the pediatric hospital world. We became experts on words we could barely pronounce, learned how to entertain a toddler in a tiny hospital room for hours on end and had the realization we had entered into a club no one chooses to join.

Molly Margaret was diagnosed with neuroblastoma and opsoclonus myoclonus (OMS). The neuroblastoma tumor had triggered OMS, which caused her eyes to twitch and her to begin losing her balance. Honestly, it turns out the OMS was kind of a gift in disguise because it led us to finding the tumor much sooner than we probably otherwise would have. Between October 2021 and February 2022, Molly Margaret underwent two tumor resection surgeries and four rounds of chemo to treat the tumor as well as five rounds of IVIG, three rounds of Rituximab and (too many to count) rounds of steroids to treat the OMS. As of March 2022, it was declared our treatment of the cancer had ended and no active cells remained in her body.

We continue to undergo routine scans and thus far things have remained the same. We pray that continues! She has weaned off of steroids but continues to receive regular IVIG treatments for the OMS. Assuming her condition remains stable, we will soon begin weaning off of that as well over the course of the next year.

My Story Shirts

As we have walked this journey, we have met many other families walking through life altering diagnoses with their child. What we have learned is that every family’s situation is different because every child is different. No treatment plan goes exactly the same as another. But many things are the same. All hospital rooms can feel lonely. All parents get weary. All families need support. All kids need a special treat after a long hospital day. All siblings need a reminder that their needs still matter, too. Because of this huge need, we created Good & Glory.

We bridge the gap between pediatric patients’ families and those wanting to support them. We create community for the family around a shirt. It might sound simple, and it is, but it means the world to a family walking through the unthinkable. Imagine sitting in a lonely cold hospital room but opening your phone up to pictures of people wearing “your shirt”. Instantly reminding you that you’re not alone.

There are people who love you and want to rally around you. This is what My Story Shirts do for families - provide them with financial support as well as build a community of support around them in their darkest moments.