Waylan’s Story

At the age of 5, Waylan began having crippling migraines. After trying to determine the cause of these for many months and not being able to fully get to the bottom of it, he was finally referred for an MRI.

In March 2023, that MRI completed changed life for the Wyatts. Waylan had an MRI of his brain and within 8 minutes the radiologist came out to say that they found something and the MRI would need to be completed with contrast. By that evening the Wyatts received the call that Waylan had a brain tumor. It was 2 1/2 inches and in his right parietal region.  

Waylan was then referred to a neurosurgeon at Cook Children’s in Ft. Worth where he had a craniotomy to remove his tumor on April 6th. While it was initially believed that the tumor was benign, after surgery the neurosurgeon said that his tumor was nothing like what they expected and pathology results would determine next steps.

In early May 2023, Waylan was diagnosed with CNS Neuroblastoma (FOX R2) Activated, which is a very rare embryonal brain tumor. On May 24th Waylan began Proton Radiation Therapy. He received treatments to his entire brain and spine as well as booster treatments to his tumor location. He completed radiation on July 6th, 2023 and then had a break in treatment before beginning chemotherapy.

Waylan completed 4 rounds of chemotherapy in December of 2023 and after many hospital stays and tests he was able to ring the bell acknowledging the end of his treatment. He is now slowly getting back to normal! After each round of chemo, Waylan had severe neutropenia and suffered from a rare virus in November so he continues to use Homebound Services for school. He is hopeful to return to second grade with his friends soon when his oncologist feels it is safe for him to do so. In March 2024, Waylan will have his next set of scans to make sure everything has remained stable and there are no concerns.

Waylan has been so strong and brave throughout his entire battle with cancer. While the future is always unknown, his family has felt comforted by all of the love, support and prayers they have received during this journey. They have clung to the truth that God is greater and stronger than any news they receive or challenge they face. He’s the God of possible!


Will’s Story


Hunter’s Story